Quotes from A Iyer in Jose's Well Book 1

If you want to change your life for the better, simple, just choose health for yourself and others, every step, every mode, and every turn; in your psyche, emotions, mental focus, and body; in your thoughts, words, and deeds. Start with the part of your being that your will and willingness currently have a better hold on. It is the body for some, mental focus for some, emotion and psyche for others. And then as you begin to see yourself get healthier and stronger, and hence happier, apply the realized health, strength, and happiness to choose health toward your whole being (past the part of your being you started with), and then you see very quickly that infinite happiness is you, supreme wisdom is you, indomitable power is you, and that you are the sole ("soul" :)smiley face) Universe potential, and have always been!
Unconditional health be you always! Vijayi Bhava! Victory be yours!
Amma, ‘A Iyer in Jose’s Well, A Yogi's Journey, Book 1’